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President: Dennis Chassaniol

Vice-President: Traci Fann

Treasurer: Charlie Billings

Secretary: Erin Willis

Ex-Officio: Keith Cheung

Executive Secretary: Jean Harmison

See all Officers & Directors

See all Committees

See Past Presidents


4730 S. National Ste. A1
Springfield, MO 65810
phone 417.886.8606
fax 417.886.3685

HomeBoard Committees
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MMACJA Committees

The chair of each committee appears at the beginning of the list and in bold font.
Click a committee title below to jump directly to that committee list.
Annual Conference Nominating Budget & Finance By-Laws
Court Room Security Electronic Courts & Internet Grants & Other Judicial Organizations Facilities
Historian Judicial Independence & Integrity CLE/MJEC Long-Range Planning
MACA Liaison Membership MML Liaison New Legislation
Newsletter OSCA Liaison Pittman Award Mentor
Regional Seminars

Annual Conference

This conference committee presents the annual conference and is responsible for arranging speakers, preparation of the announcement, etc. The Vice President of the Association chairs the committee.
  • Dennis Chassaniol
  • Keith Cheung
  • Andrea Niehoff
  • Kevin Kelly
  • Chuck Lonardo
  • Cotton Walker
  • Danelle Duffy
  • Traci Fann
  • Daniel Brown 
  • Mark Bryne


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Budget & Finance

This committee prepares the budget and analyzes the Association’s income and expenses. The treasurer is the committee chair.
  • Charlie Billings
  • Tom Motley
  • Forrest Wegge

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This committee reviews the current by-laws and makes recommendations for revisions.
  • Mark Levitt  
  • Chuck Billings
  • Cavanaugh Noce   
  • Mark Rundel
  • Kevin Kellly
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Court Room Security

  • Mark Rundel   
  • James Witteman
  • Christie Swaim
  • Matt Owen
  • Ross Nigro

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This committee is a liaison with the Municipal Division Education Committee and the office of the State Court Administrator's Office.   
  • Karen Krauser
  • Cotton Walker
  • Mark Rundel
  • Andrea Niehoff
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Electronic Courts & Internet (suspended per board 11-4-23)

This committee is charged with establishing and maintaining our website in which to publish information regarding the Association.

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This committee makes all meeting arrangements for meeting space and lodging at the hotel facility. It negotiates contracts for our meetings with the hotel management staff and makes the physical preparations for board meetings and the annual conference.
  • Chuck Lonardo
  • Greg Beydler
  • Karen Krauser
  • Danelle Duffy
  • Stacey Lett
  • Steve Sanders
  • Keith Cheung

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  • Kevin Kelly
  • James Witteman
  • David Replogle
  • Cotton Walker

Judicial Independence & Integrity

This committee is to monitor developments regarding encroachments on judicial independence.
  • Tom Motley          
  • Bob Aulgur
  • Keith Cheung
  • Mike Rumley
  • Susan Watkins
  • Kevin Kelly
  • Daniel Brown
  • Matt Owen
  • Kristie Swaim
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Long-Range Planning

This committee discusses, and prepares for Board discussion, long-range goals for the Association.
  • Traci Fann
  • Keith Cheung
  • Charles Lonardo
  • Stacey Lett
  • Charlie Billings         
  • Bob Aulgur
  • Dennis Chassaniol    
  • Karen Krauser 
  • Tom Motley   
  • Erin Willis
  • Cotton Walker  
  •  Felica Ezell-Gillespie
  • Kevin Kelly
  • Andrea Niehoff
  • David Replogle

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MACA Liaison

This committee provides the official contact with the Missouri Association for Court Administration.
  • Charlie Billings
  • Traci Fann
  • Ross Nigro
  • Dan Brown
  • Keith Cheung
  • Erin Willis


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This committee is to analyze membership in each district and coordinate with district directors to contact non-member eligible judges.
  • Tom Fincham
  • Daniel Brown
  • Felicia Ezell-Gillespie
  • Forrest Wegge
  • Teresa Bright-Pearson
  • Ross Nigro
  • James Witteman
  • Matt Owen
  • Greg Beydler
  • William Hudson
  • Mark Byrne
  • Andrew Briscoe
  • Kristie Swaim
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MML Liaison

  • Mark Rundel
  • Kevin Kelly
  • Carl Scarborough
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New Legislation

This committee recommends a legislative agenda for the Association, helps write legislation, contacts key representatives and senators, and testifies before subcommittees of the Missouri General Assembly.
  • Bob Aulgur 
  • Carol Scarborough    
  • Cotton Walker


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This committee produces Benchmark, the newsletter of MMACJA. The editor is in charge of obtaining ideas, recommending articles, and editing articles that are submitted. Each board member is a reporter responsible for submitting articles and ideas. The newsletter is read not only by members, but also is sent to presiding judges, members of the legislature, and to the Missouri Supreme Court.
  • David Replogle


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  • Charles Lonardo
  • Keith Cheung      
  • Cotton Walker
  • Greg Beydler


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OSCA Liaison

  • Dennis Chassaniol
  • Felica Ezell-Gillespie  
  • Cotton Walker
  • Jim Towey

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Pittman Award

This committee receives recommendations and recommends persons for an association award for long-time meritorious service, with an accompanying annual scholarship to the conference. The committee operates under specific guidelines. 
  • Chuck Billings
  • Mark Levitt
  • Karen Krauser
  • Steve Sanders


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Regional Seminars

This committee plans and conducts seminars in the fall of each year at various locations around the state. In the coming year, this committee will further implement coordination efforts with OSCA for educational purposes. The regional seminars, the annual conference, and the Municipal Education Committee's seminars in the fall give ample options and opportunities to fulfill CLE requirements.
  • Felicia Ezell-Gillespie
  • Teresa Bright Pearson
  • Cavanaugh Noce
  • Tom Motley
  • Andrea Niehoff

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Ad Hoc Committee - Missouri Court Automation Liaison

Cavanaugh Noce
Cotton Walker
Tom Motley